P6-Compact MWD

Stand up wheelchair with central wheels and articulated front beam.
Retroverticalization standing with biometric compensation.


The new simple and practical electric standing wheelchair from Powerstand!


Padvance Powerstand

The P-Advance, the Powerstand multiposition standing wheelchair with biometric compensation in backrest and legrest.

P-Compact FWD

FWD power standing wheelchair with backrest and legrest biocompensation and standing retroverticalization.


P4 Crossover Background

PowerStand stand-up wheelchair, simple and practical!


P4 Crossover Background

Stand benefits health, independence and overall well-being.​

We reach a position close to nature, for a better balance and harmony.

Our wheelchairs are part of the generation of the most innovative verticalizers. They are of interest to all persons who, as a result of an accident or illness, are forced into a sitting position. They allow to find the most natural position: the standing position. An indispensable gesture for a better health and a transformed life. No more constraint to verticalize outside, in a specialized institution.

It is at home that it can be done now, several times a day, at its convenience and in complete independence, without the assistance of a third party. After the astonishment of seeing its environment grow, we rediscover the joy of a multitude of activities in “standing” station. Say hello to a friend, chat with someone right in the eye or look away, reach a shelf a little high, work, tinker, cook, … so many things impossible in a sitting position that become natural and accessible.

Health benefits

Clinical evaluations show that verticalization is beneficial to health. The optimization of these benefits is obtained by the repeated alternation of relatively brief periods of the “sit-stand-sit” position.